A Seacliff Park Resident's Website
To navigate to each individual page, click on each yellow menu button below. Then scroll down your screen to see the individual webpage. The website menu will always stay at the top of your screen.
Note to the viewer : This website has been created and maintained by Seacliff Park homeowner, Frank Gran, who is solely responsible for it's content. As such, the content on this website is not endorsed or approved by SPRA Management Committee or Park Manager, and they remain free of any liability regarding it. This website has a SSL Certificate and is secure from "HACKERS".
To navigate to each individual page, click on each yellow menu button below. Then scroll down your screen to see the individual webpage. The website menu will always stay at the top of your screen.

Last Update: 11/03/2023
To navigate to each individual page, click on each yellow menu button below. Then scroll down your screen to see the individual webpage. The website menu will always stay at the top of your screen.
to Our Site's Home page!

About This
Website's Security...
This website is secure and protected from "HACKERS" with an official SSL certificate.
Note the padlock icon and https:// prefix to this website's address in your browser's search bar.
This ensures all data communicated between the website to the host server to your computer or mobile device is protected by encryption.
It cannot be read, shared, or corrupted by "HACKERS".
This website does not collect or share personal information.
Important Website Guidelines
This website is created to:
promote and foster good will among Partners!
provide history of the Park and the Partnership
announce and status Park projects and events
serve as a quick reference to Park governing documents
provide a venue for open discussions
create a Marketplace for Partners to sell/buy/give away (non-commercial) merchandise
post referrals for local service providers for each other
This website is NOT :
a replacement for our Park Monthly Newsletter
a substitution for our New Partner binder or Partnership Agreement, nor R&R's
a place to post grievances
a site for offensive remarks about Park Management, Management Committee members, Park projects, or neighbors/Partners
a platform for disparaging, inappropriate content, or rumors.
Please note: This website has been created independently by a Seacliff Park homeowner, Frank Gran, #77. As the website administrator, Frank respectfully reserves the right to edit, remove, or deny postings only deemed to be offensive, argumentative, or inappropriate by any reasonable person; but, welcomes thoughts, opinions, questions, ideas, etc.!
A Note About Passwords
Personal security and privacy are respected and taken seriously on this website. No personal information is to be shared without prior approval of the person(s) involved.
The following webpages found under "Partners ONLY Information" can only be accessed with a password issued to you by the Website Administrator (Frank Gran #77) for security purposes. (Send an email request to, or use the "Let's Connect" form at the bottom of this page.)
Management Committee Information page​
Management Committee Meeting Minutes page
SPRA Park Projects page
Passwords are NOT to be shared, and will be changed periodically with ample notice for security purposes.
Anyone violating these guidelines will be permanently BLOCKED from accessing the website.
Enjoy your visit to your Park website!